Eyes to heaven
My dear readers,
Each traveller has a hobby he could not explicate, a lobe he could not stop to satisfy when he is visiting the world.
For me, if there is something that captivate me until I become quite amnesic on the moment, it is stars.
Since I am a young boy, I observe them every time I can during entire nights. They absorb me to infinite universe and permitted me to not see again night as a period of fear and unknown, but as a source of light.
And if there is an event that force me to stay in Paris during summer, it is the night of stars. This year, it will take place from 28th to 30th of july on the top of Montparnasse Tower and its panoramic observatory at 200 meters.
Stars in the heart
Thanks to the French Astronomy Association, we will be able to enjoy this astrologic phenomenon when Earth is running through a swarm of meteors constituted of detritus from an old planet. Taking contact with atmosphere, this pieces of rock gives us an impressive spectacle with a myriad of falling stars in the sky.
Everywhere in France and in the world, this period is ideal to observe the stars on their most handsome activity.
In order to admire the sky in the best way, we have to get away from every light source, in a place where only darkness reign and get stop by stars. This is why astrological observatories are always located higher than the city lights.
My dear reders, there is a short selection of quotes which touched me, concerning the inspiration artists may have from stars. One from Arthur Rimbaud which said: “I have stretched ropes from steeple to steeple, Garlands from window to window, Goldens chains from star to star… And I dance.” Another from Paul Eluard: “A dream without stars is a forgotten dream”
See you soon!