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Monsieur Inwood

The travel


The travel

The day of the first step towards this great journey

My dear readers,

Some days ago, I sometimes imagine that I take Elena by the hand and that in a gust of wind we leave. I do not know if this thought belongs more to the order of the dream or the fantasy but yes, although you have the feeling that everything shines in my life, sometimes I only want to pack my bags and leave.

When I think about it, I am introspective with myself trying to push my sensitivity to its parxysm in order to feel with the most accuracy the emotions I would cross the day of the first step towards this great journey.

Sadness first of all, for what departure is not marked by deep sorrow, the trouble of leaving the city in which we were born, the city in which we grew up and where we experienced extraordinary adventures leaving memories forever engraved in our memory. Memories and adventures that have shaped the woman or man we are today. Without forgetting to mention the greatest pain that in my humble experience remains the sadness of leaving his own.

Sadness is the first feeling that I will feel, fortunately it will fade quickly because it is there, the beauty of life. Time passes and our tears are fading, flowing down our cheeks like a raindrop stroking the leaves of a tree as it falls, falling gracefully to nourish its roots. With time this little drop will give him only a better foliage and a higher summit.

A new start

I am sometimes reproached for having too positive a vision of life because for some it is above all a source of pain and suffering. For me, it is above all the greatest adventure we can experience in our life. True, it is filled with hard blows and moments of doubt, but one must persevere, never give up and smile. Smile to find strength in itself and the desire to fight to move forward and forget the past that sometimes failed us. I prefer to think this way because time is our worst enemy, it passes quickly, very quickly, too quickly, but it passes... Second after second, minutes after minutes, unfortunately, we have this unfortunate tendency to forget it, worse let us forget that one life, we have only one.

Fortunately in my dreams, I do not go alone, Elena will be there to accompany me in this « new beginning ». Each of her smiles, each of her looks will make me forget that no matter where I would be as long as she was by my side and I would hold her in my arms. I know I would be happy, I would be me and I will not stop living. It will be the element that will give me the courage to succeed in turning the page and to continue writing the next with as many passions as the previous ones, if not more.

Thinking of all this makes me melancholy, transports me into a certain spleen. This is a necessary way for me to remember how lucky I am to be alive and that I must take advantage of all that it offers me!

Dear readers, I leave you this evening, telling you that, alas, one day, the heart that you have stopped beating but before that day comes, exploded it by the intensity of its beats provided by all the wonders, the beauties and the love that life can offer us but that maliciously it conceals us every day! Open your eyes, observe, dare and live.

See you soon!

Forum voyage pas cher

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